You haven’t been on the seedy parts of the internet recently have you? Naw, I didn’t think so. Guess what… I’ve recently gotten 2 viruses due to infected ads on song lyrics sites. I’ve personally seen proof you don’t have to be surfing p0rn to get malware on your computer, so here’s something you can use before you end up with a full-blown zombie computer.
Google’s Chrome browser on Windows has a scanner bake into it, called Cleanup. It runs periodically, but you can run it anytime you want to by going to “Settings > Reset and Clean Up > Clean Up Computer”, or simply enter the following URL into the address bar: “chrome://settings/cleanup”.
While you’ll still need virus protection, this scanner takes care of the light-weight tasks of what affects Chrome. Simply put, it will remove software that doesn’t abide by Google’s unwanted software policy. So, if you’re browser is running slow, give this a try.
-James A. Miller
Alpha & Omega Consulting